The company was founded in 1929 by Bauerfeind...


The company was founded in 1929 by Bauerfeind Bruno Bauerfeind in Zeulenroda (Thuringia). The motto of the family company Bauerfeind AG is "Motion". This motto describes particularly well today, what does the name Bauernfeind - movement and experience. Because in our time, mobility is very important and the most painless. This goal, Bauerfeind AG consistently follows and produces advanced tools of special quality. Through its products and service concepts wears Bauerfeind AG in a large proportion of the conservation and restoration of health, thus increasing overall well-being and performance of patients and sports-loving people. This ultimately means better quality of life in all ways.

For a continuous development of products, the specialists of Bauerfeind AG work closely with experts in medicine, science and technology. The result is a patented and award-winning medical devices, which in professional sports and leisure sports and especially in compression therapy trusted. Bauerfeind - Quality "Made in Germany".

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